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Design Projection
Image of design projected onto facade will appear here after the projection.
Name: g Location: g
Design Projection
Image of design projected onto facade will appear here after the projection.
Name: Crystal Bradley Location: Preston
Cool Idea, thanks
Design Projection
Name: g Location: reservoir
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Design Projection
Name: g Location: reservoir
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Design Projection
Name: A. Poynton Location: Melbourne
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Design Projection
Name: cristina & romeo Location: preston
smile to you!!!!
Design Projection
Name: romeo Location: preston
rocket about to blast off at night time.
Design Projection
Name: cristina Location: preston
living in housing commission is like living inside a tetris game
Design Projection
Name: romeo Location: preston
I am a kid, I am 8 can you please project this on the wall? thank you
Design Projection
Name: cristina Location: preston
this is a lego figure with lego bricks
Design Projection
Name: Anya Location: Melbourne
Thanks Greg for creating this amazing project with me, it's been amazing!